Welcome to Prana Yoga

Better Life With Perfect Body


Since 2015, the centre started its journey under the able leadership of the owner Mrs.Khuku Das in a small space of her Chinsurah residence. Initially the centre started with a very few students, but under the coveted guidance of her son Dr. Sukhendu Das, within very short span, the centre stood up with eminence , and was considered as one of the best in the locality . As a result, the number of students reached the milestone of 50 within 2020 and still increasing. In order, to accommodate such large number of students, with proper infrastructure, the centre shifted to a spacious place with about 400 sqft , at close vicinity of Chinsurah Station and its neighbourhood and started its operation in the new space from 2021.

Benifits of Yoga

Yoga brings the body and mind together and is built on three main elements – movement, breathing and meditation. Yoga has many physical and mental health benefits including improved posture, flexibility, strength, balance and body awareness. Always consult your doctor before embarking on any new fitness program, especially if you have a pre-existing medical condition or have not exercised in a long time.

Strong Body life

Yoga also makes your body stronger. It strengthens your core and skeletal muscles. Core stability improves spine health and balances the distribution of force. Stronger skeletal muscles support your body weight and movement.

increased flexibility

Physical flexibility reduces due to stress, aging, a sedentary lifestyle, or incorrect postures and movement habits. Yoga asanas improve joint and muscle mobility to make you more flexible. Improve the flexibility of your neck, shoulders, core, back and hips with yoga. Flexibility is a part of yoga. The body becomes flexible, and the mind grows in faith and conviction.

healthy lifestyle

Regular practice of Yoga can help loss weight, relieve stress, improve immunity and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Increases blood flow

Yoga gets your blood flowing! Relaxation helps circulation, movement brings more oxygen to your cells (which function better as a result), twisting brings fresh oxygenated blood to organs, and inversions reverse blood flow from the lower body to the brain and heart.

Drops blood pressure

People who suffer from high blood pressure must practice yoga to maintain it. Additionally, it has been seen that for people who practice Savasana (Corpse Pose) a good drop in systolic blood pressure can be seen on them. Yoga helps in maintaining the blood pressure level in your body.

Regulates adrenal gland

Yoga for adrenal glands helps activate the important hormonal glands. Restorative yoga is a very powerful tool for combating adrenal fatigue, not to be underestimated. Give your adrenals a break and try Yoga sequence regularly.

Welcome to Prana Yoga

Mission & Vision


Yoga is for holistic wellness. Yoga, an ancient cultural heritage of our country, speaks for systematic lifestyle.It inculcates all positive qualities among individuals that are essential for ultimate wellness. The Asanas develop strong and enduring body and mind, Pranayamas rejuvenates the body with vital energy and, meditation helps in removal of fluctuations of mind. The spiritual essence of yoga will add value to this society torn and tormented with unethical acts and deeds.


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Welcome to Prana Yoga

Other Impacts And Year round activity


Apart from Yoga, knowledge and understanding related to sport and exercise therapy are also an important venture of our centre Low intensity and high-volume exercises or fitness activities like brisk walking, jogging, cycling, and aerobic dance will be subjects of key importance. Our centre will update people with best ways and means of taking part in regular systematic fitness programs. Society will also be benefitted with knowledge related to nutrition and diet for best health and well-being. To beat the threat of obesity, the menacing health hazard of the present society and its management, will be scientifically addressed by our activities. As a whole, this centre will benefit every sections of human society and fulfill their fitness related queries, pave a path towards holistic health and manage health and fitness issues with the help of theories and principles of sports science.

Welcome to Prana Yoga

Social Responsibility


Serving distressed human , human in need or selfless service or serving mother nature is an integral part of yoga . Our Yoga centre has conducted many such humanitarian projects under the guidance of Mrs.Khuku Das,Owner and Dr. Sukhendu Das, Founder-Director of this Yoga Centre. Some of the projects are-

  • Free Yoga camps for all.
  • Food, Yoga, Education programme at Orphanage and at different rural areas. Recently one such programme was conducted among the students of Abhirampur School Project, Birbhum, West Bengal.
  • In the entire period of pandemic, our centre under the guidance of our founder director supported many distressed families by providing square meals every day.
  • Regular help is being provided to some marginalised families.
  • Monetary help is also provided to young and rising athletes from poor family background.
  • Free Yoga classes at different government programmes, seminars, etc. for awareness of yoga.